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Notions of Carvaka philosophy

Charvaka Philosophy


1. Introduction

  • Charvaka Darshana (also called Lokayata) is the last of the non-Vedic Darshanas.
  • Difficult to reconstruct its tenets due to the lack of surviving literature.
  • Knowledge is obtained from fragments in other works.

2. Key Features of Charvaka

  • Materialistic Hedonism: Focuses on material reality and seeking pleasure.
    • "Matter is the ultimate reality."
  • Rejects divine/transcendental powers behind matter.
  • Accepts only what can be perceived.
  • Rejects Akasha (ether) as a constituent of reality.
  • Rejects Dharma and Moksha as they cannot be seen.
  • Accepts only Kama (pleasure) and Artha (wealth) as goals of life.
    • Kama is seen as the end of all life.
  • Death: The final end of life (no afterlife, no swarga, no naraka).
  • Emphasis on direct perception as valid knowledge.

3. Epistemology

  • Only valid source of knowledge (pramana) is direct perception (pratyaksha).
  • Rejects inference, testimony, and other forms of knowledge.

4. Rejection of Key Entities

  • Rejects Akasha (not directly perceivable).
  • Rejects Dharma as not directly perceived.
  • Rejects Swarga (heaven) as not directly perceived.
  • Rejects Ishvara (God) as not directly perceived.
  • Rejects Atman (soul) as not directly perceived.

5. Nature of Consciousness

  • Consciousness arises from a combination of the four elements.
    • Not a separate entity.
    • Analogy: Red color in paan (beetle leaf) comes from combining different elements.
    • Analogy: Water is the combined properties of Hydrogen and Oxygen.
    • Consciousness is a unique combination of earth, fire, water and air elements.
  • Consciousness will disappear when that combination breaks.
  • No eternal soul/consciousness that transmigrates.
    • Consciousness does not go to swarga.

6. Purpose of Life

  • Maximize pleasure in one's lifetime.
  • Enjoy the present life rather than focusing on some distant future liberation.

7. Summary of Charvaka

  • Direct perception is the only source of knowledge.
  • Matter is the only reality.
  • World composed of four elements.
  • Rejection of transcendental entities like god or devas etc..
  • Rejection of an afterlife, and also the Atman.
  • Consciousness is a product of element combination.
  • Goal is to have maximum pleasure in life.
  • Does not believe in karma or dharma.