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Relevance of Arthashastra in Contemporary Times


In this section we will discuss the relevance of Kautilya's Arthashastra in modern governance and public administration. While acknowledging that Arthashastra was written in the context of a monarchy, many of its ideas remain applicable and valuable in today's world.

Relevance of Arthashastra

Despite being written centuries ago, Arthashastra offers several insights relevant to contemporary governance:

  • Public Administration: Arthashastra provides a detailed understanding of public administration, including the roles and responsibilities of various officials, hierarchical structures, and salary structures. These aspects are relevant regardless of the form of government.

  • Checks and Balances: The text emphasizes the importance of checks and balances to prevent corruption and exploitation of citizens by those in power. This idea remains crucial for ensuring good governance in any system.

  • Criminal Investigation and Secret Services: Arthashastra's discussion of criminal investigation and secret services offers valuable insights for modern applications.

  • Economic Policies: The text provides detailed information on various economic policies, sources of revenue, budgeting, and planning of government expenditure, which remain relevant for modern economic administration.

  • Legal Aspects: Arthashastra's section on legal aspects, largely drawn from smritis and commentaries, is relevant to modern legal systems in India, which are constructed using similar resources.

  • International Relations: Despite changes in the global landscape, Arthashastra's ideas on foreign policy, including securing alliances, developing cross-border intelligence, and international negotiations, remain valuable for modern statecraft.


Arthashastra, while rooted in the context of a monarchy, offers numerous ideas and insights that are relevant and applicable to modern governance and public administration. Its comprehensive approach to statecraft, economic policy, law, and international relations makes it a valuable resource for leaders and administrators in today's world.