Word generation in Sanskrit
- After discussing phonetics, we now examine Sanskrit word generation as created by Panini through his Ashtadhyayi.
- The ultimate building block of any language is the word.
Language as Assemblage of Words
- Language is an assemblage of words.
- Words are combined in various ways to communicate ideas and transact knowledge.
- Understanding word formation and generation is central to language mastery.
Sanskrit Grammar and Word Generation
- Sanskrit grammar addresses word generation in a unique way.
Example: Verbal Root 'kru' (to do)
Let's use 'kru' (to do) as an illustrative example.
'Dukrn': Panini attaches indicators to the front and back of verbal roots for mathematical transformation purposes.
In Panini's Dhatupatha (list of verbal roots), the root is represented as 'Dukrn'.
By removing 'du' and '[FL]', we get the substantive part of the verb, 'kr'.
'Kru' means something to do with doing.
Example: Karma comes from kru.
Word Derivatives of 'kru'
- Karoti: Does (present simple tense).
- Kurvan: Doing (continuous).
- Karta: Doer.
- Krtva: Having done.
- Karotu: Please do.
- Kartavyam: It must be done.
- Kartum: To do.
- Krtam: Done (past tense).
Other Verbal Roots: 'pat' (to read) and 'gam' (to go)
- We see two more verbs: 'pat' (meaning reading) and 'gam' (gacch related to going).
Similar Word Patterns
The equivalent words for the two roots follows a similar pattern like for kru:
- Karoti: Patathi, Gacchati
- Kurvan: Pathan, Gacchan
- Kartha: Pathita, Ganta
- Krtva: Pathitva, Gatva
- Karotu: Pathtu, Gacchatu
- Kartavyam: Pathtavyam, Gantavyam
- Kartum: Pathitum, Gantum
- Krtam: Pathitam, Gatam
If you know the process for a verb, you can apply it to approximately 2200 verbs.
Word Pattern Formation Logic
- There is a consistent logic for creating patterns of words in Sanskrit.
Base and Suffix
- "kr", "path", "gach" are called Base.
- In Sanskrit, one start with the Base.
- The basic building block in Sanskrit, you start with the Base, then add a suffix to it and then get a word, but in the process of getting the word, some more rules will be triggered
Suffix Example
- Take the verb 'kr', then add the suffix 'tu' > "karotu". The Suffix "tu" triggers karotu.
All Possibilities in Word Generation
- To make rich combination generation of words in Sanskrit Language, a few things need to be kept in mind.
- Start with a verbal root.
- Add suffixes.
- Add more suffixes, leading to a verb form and finally a complete word.
Noun Root and Suffix
- Starting with a noun root, you add suffixes.
- Some suffixes can give you masculine, and some suffixes can give you feminine.
- Start from Noun Root and add Suffix and get Noun Form.
Verb to Noun Conversion
- Add a suffix to a verb to convert it into a noun (e.g., "Do" -> "Doer").
- Convert noun to verb is also possible.
Example: Nominal Root 'Ram'
- Take Nominal Root called Ram.
- 7 x 3 = 21 suffixes are available.
- Using these, 21 different word forms can be created.
- For example adding 'su' to "Ram" gives you "Ramah".
Combine Root with Suffix with rules
- Add any of the suffixes to a nominal root to get a valid noun form.
- Rules will govern the combination.
- Take a verbal root like 'path' and add suffixes like 'tip'.
Understand the Logic
- Take a nominal root and add suffixes, resulting in valid nouns.
- Take a verbal root and add suffixes, resulting in a verb form.
The Numbers: Cases, Singular, Dual, and Plural
- 7 cases and singular, dual, and plural (3), this defines the number of suffix options.
- First, second, and third person and singular, dual, and plural (3 x 3 = 9) defines the additional types of suffix combinations.
Word Generation Logic
- The word generation is algorithmic in nature.
- Take something (the root), add something on top of it (suffixes), apply some rules, and derive the final word.
- Rule-based mechanism which will be discussed again when looking at computational elements of Ashtadhyayi.