A Origin of Lean Startup
The Lean Startup methodology was developed by Eric Ries, an entrepreneur and author, based on his experiences working in Silicon Valley startups during the early 2000s. The origins of Lean Startup can be traced back to Ries's observations of the challenges and failures faced by startups, as well as his experimentation with alternative approaches to entrepreneurship.
Eric Ries was influenced by various sources, including lean manufacturing principles pioneered by Toyota, agile software development methodologies, and concepts from the customer development process developed by Steve Blank.
Ries combined these influences with his own experiences and insights to develop the Lean Startup methodology, which emphasizes rapid iteration, validated learning, and continuous innovation. The Lean Startup approach encourages startups to build products incrementally, test them with real users, and adapt based on feedback, all while minimizing waste and maximizing learning.
The methodology gained widespread attention and popularity after Ries published his book "The Lean Startup: How Today's Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create Radically Successful Businesses" in 2011. Since then, Lean Startup principles have been embraced by entrepreneurs, startups, and established companies worldwide as a framework for building and scaling successful businesses in an uncertain and rapidly changing environment.
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