Return and Risk on Portfolio
Portfolio Return
Portfolio return is the overall gain or loss achieved by a combination of investments held in an investor's portfolio over a specific period. It reflects the cumulative financial outcome of all investment activities and decisions within the portfolio.
Components of Portfolio Return:
- Capital Gains: Increases in the value of the portfolio's assets.
- Dividends and Interest Payments: Income received from equity and debt investments respectively.
- Foreign Exchange Gains: Gains derived from the fluctuation in exchange rates if the portfolio holds foreign assets.
Calculating Portfolio Return:
- Weighted Average: The return of each asset is weighted by its proportion in the portfolio.
- Total Portfolio Return: $Portfolio Return (R_p) = ∑(w_i * r_i)$
Where $( w_i )$ represents the weight of each asset in the portfolio, and $( r_i )$ is the return of each asset.
Portfolio Risk
Portfolio risk refers to the potential variability in returns of a portfolio and the likelihood of losses. It is an essential concept in finance, reflecting the uncertainty and the potential for investment value to vary.
Types of Portfolio Risk:
- Systematic Risk: Risk inherent to the entire market or market segment, which cannot be eliminated through diversification.
- Unsystematic Risk: Risk specific to a particular company or industry, which can be mitigated through diversification.
Calculating Portfolio Risk:
- Total Portfolio Risk: $Portfolio Risk (σ_p) = sqrt{ ∑(w_i^2 * σ_i^2)}$
Where $( w_i )$ represents the weight of each asset in the portfolio, and $( σ_i )$ is the risk(standard deviation) of each asset.