Process of Developing Vision and Mission Statement
Developing a vision and mission statement is a crucial part of an organization's strategic planning process. These statements provide direction, purpose, and a framework for decision-making within the organization. Below is a clear and structured process for developing these essential documents.
Step-by-Step Process
1. Drafting the Initial Statements
- Managerial Involvement: Managers across the organization prepare draft versions of the vision and mission statements. This initial input is crucial as it ensures that the perspectives and insights of those who understand the organization deeply are incorporated.
2. Facilitation and Collaboration
Facilitator or Committee Involvement: A facilitator, or a committee of top managers, reviews the draft statements. The role of this group is to merge the various inputs into a cohesive single document.
Modifications and Refinement: During this stage, modifications, additions, and deletions are made to the draft statements. The goal is to refine the language and content to accurately reflect the organization's aspirations (vision) and its core purpose (mission).
3. Finalization of Statements
Resolving Differences: Any divergent views among the managers should be addressed through negotiation and compromise. This ensures that the final vision and mission statements are agreed upon by all key stakeholders.
External Consultation (Optional): Some organizations may choose to hire an outside consultant or facilitator to help manage the process. An external party can offer unbiased perspectives and expertise, which may be especially useful in complex or large organizations.
4. Division-Specific Statements (If Applicable)
- Multidivisional Organizations: In organizations with multiple divisions, each division should develop its own vision and mission statement. These divisional statements should align with the overarching corporate vision and mission.
5. Involvement and Commitment
- Building Commitment: Involving managers and other key stakeholders in the process helps build commitment to the organization's strategic direction. This involvement is critical for the successful implementation of the vision and mission.
Importance of the Process
Resolving Divergent Views
- The process of developing a mission statement can help resolve divergent views among managers by fostering discussions around the question, "What is our business?" Through negotiation and compromise, managers can align on a common purpose and direction, which is crucial for organizational cohesion and effectiveness.
Timing of Reexamination
- According to Peter Drucker, the most critical time to reexamine a firm’s vision and mission is when the organization is very successful. Success often brings new challenges and changes, making it essential to reassess the organization's purpose to prevent success from turning into failure.
Impact on Organizational Performance
Organizations with comprehensive vision and mission statements tend to perform better because these statements provide clear direction and purpose, aligning the efforts of all employees towards common goals.
Research Findings: While some studies show a positive correlation between having a mission statement and improved financial performance, the evidence is mixed. The true value of a mission statement may lie more in its role in unifying and motivating employees than in directly influencing financial outcomes.
Frequency of Revision
- Revision Cycle: Vision and mission statements should be periodically reviewed and revised as needed. While these statements are meant to stand the test of time, organizations typically reexamine them annually to ensure they remain relevant and aligned with the organization's goals and the changing environment.
By following this process, organizations can develop vision and mission statements that not only guide strategic decision-making but also inspire and unite all members of the organization towards achieving shared goals.