The Administrative Setup in Arthashastra
Here we will explore the administrative setup described in Kautilya's Arthashastra, providing insights into the organizational structure and mechanisms for running a state. We will highlight the various departments, officials, and their roles in public administration.
King and Cabinet
The administrative setup starts with the king and his cabinet, including:
- King and his family (queens, crown prince, princesses)
- King's advisors (teacher, family priest, officiating priests)
- Personal circle (royal scribe, soothsayers, astrologers)
This unit is comparable to the Prime Minister's Office or the President's Secretariat in modern governments.
Palace Administration
This department manages the administrative aspects of the palace, including:
- Maintaining the king's schedule
- Personal security
- King's daily life
Defense Unit
This unit comprises the armed forces responsible for:
- Protecting the state from external threats
- Conquest and expansion of territory
This department manages the state's finances and resources, including:
- Collecting various items (gems, grains, oil, armory)
- Storing and safeguarding the treasury
It functions similarly to a modern Department of Finance.
Revenue and Law and Order
This department focuses on:
- Financial planning and budgeting
- Taxation and revenue collection
- Security and welfare of citizens
It also regulates civilian activities like agriculture, mining, and manufacturing.
Other Departments
Arthashastra proposes various other departments with specialized functions, including:
- Trade and Industry
- Mining
- Land Use and Livestock
- Citizen Services
- Shipping and Movement
Salary Structure
Arthashastra provides detailed information on the salaries of government employees, ranging from 48,000 to 60 panas annually.
Arthashastra presents a comprehensive and well-organized administrative setup with various departments and officials responsible for different aspects of governance. This structure highlights the importance of planning, coordination, and specialized expertise in public administration.