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PART 1: 5. Introduction

  • Definition: International Human Resource Management (IHRM) focuses on managing human resources in an international context, encompassing all HRM activities across national borders. This includes managing employees from different cultural backgrounds, navigating diverse legal and regulatory frameworks, and adapting HR practices to suit different international contexts.
  • Key Characteristics:
    1. Cross-border activities: IHRM involves managing human resources across national boundaries, dealing with employees from different countries and cultures.
    2. Multiple country contexts: IHRM requires understanding and adapting to diverse legal, cultural, and economic environments in different countries.
    3. International assignments: Managing expatriate employees (employees working in a country other than their own) is a crucial aspect of IHRM.
    4. Global teams: Managing teams with members from different nationalities and cultures requires effective cross-cultural communication and collaboration.
    5. Global talent management: Attracting, developing, and retaining top talent from around the world.