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Summary of the module
Let us now summarize the key concepts and frameworks discussed in the lesson on knowledge creatio...
Siddhanta : Established tenets in the field of study
Here we will explore the concept of Siddhanta in Nyaya philosophy, which refers to established te...
Potential fallacies in the reasoning process
Here lets us understand the concept of Hetvabhasas (fallacies) in Nyaya philosophy, specifically ...
Deductive or inductive knowledge framework
Here we delve into the logical framework of Nyaya's argumentation model, specifically within the ...
Framework for establishing valid knowledge, through Nyaya system
Here we will try to understand the Nyaya Darshana's framework for knowledge creation, highlightin...
Samshaya (Doubt) in Nyaya philosophy
Here we will explore the concept of Saṃśaya (doubt) in Nyaya philosophy and its role in knowledge...
Pramana : The means of valid knowledge in Nyaya philosophy
Here we delve into the concept of Pramāṇa in Nyaya philosophy, exploring the various ways we acqu...
Samanya, Vishesha, Samavaaya
Here we explore the three important concepts in Vaiśeṣika philosophy: sāmānya (universal), viśēṣa...
Attributes – The Properties of Substances and Action – The Driver of Conjunction and Disjunction
Gunas: The Properties of Substances Gunas, or attributes, are the properties that inhere in subst...
Dravyas: The Constituents of Physical Reality
Understanding Dravyas In the Vaisheshika system, Dravya, or substance, is the basic building bloc...
Prameyas: A Vaisesikan approach to physical reality
What are Prameyas? Prameyas are the legitimate objects of inquiry or the types of objects about w...
Knowledge tradition in Indian Intellectual tradition
Understanding Knowledge In the Indian Intellectual Tradition, knowledge was created systematicall...
Wisdom through the Subhashitas
What are Subhāṣitas? Subhāṣitas are Sanskrit sayings or aphorisms that are "beautifully rendered...
Wisdom through Niti Shastras
What are Nīti-śāstras? The word "nīti" originates from the Sanskrit root "nī" meaning "to lead."...
Export and Import
The Importance of Exporting and Importing: A Comprehensive Overview This document provides a deta...
IEC Code
Introduction to Importer-Exporter Code (IEC) in India These notes provide a comprehensive overvie...
Introduction to Export Preliminaries
Export Preliminaries: An Introduction (with Examples) Export preliminaries encompass all the acti...
College Hive Podcast (Quick Learning)
We have kept the podcast completely free as a token of your appreciation towards us! 💬 Show your ...
Transferring Risk to 3rd Parties
Political and Cargo Risks in Export and Import: A Comprehensive Guide This document provides an i...
ECGC: Export Credit & Guarantee Corporation Limited
Understanding Export Credit Guarantee Corporation (ECGC) and Other Risk Mitigation in Internation...