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Unit 06 Motivation and Leadership

Motivation Meaning and Process

Motivation and Its Process Definition of Motivation Motivation refers to the internal and externa...

Motivation Theories Maslow Dual Factor Expectancy

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory The best-known theory of motivation is Abraham Maslow’s hiera...

Leadership and Management

Leadership and Management Leadership Leadership is the ability to influence and guide a group of ...

Trait Perspective of Leadership

Trait Theory of Leadership Overview The Trait Theory of Leadership suggests that leaders are bor...

Behavioral Perspective Managerial Grid

Behavioral Theories - Ohio State Leadership Studies Overview Behavioral theories of leadership s...

Situational Leadership

Situational Leadership Theory Overview Situational Leadership Theory, now referred to as the Sit...

Contemporary Perspectives on Leadership

Contemporary Perspectives on Leadership Overview Contemporary perspectives on leadership focus on...

Transformational Leadership

Overview Transformational leaders are those who inspire their followers to transcend their own se...

Transactional Leadership

Transactional Leadership Overview James Burns identified two main types of leadership: transactio...

Charismatic Leadership

Charismatic Leadership Charismatic Leadership Overview The concept of charismatic leadership was...

Servant Leadership

Overview Servant leadership is a leadership philosophy where the primary goal of the leader is t...

Shared Leadership

Shared Leadership Overview Shared leadership is a leadership style that distributes leadership r...