Global Financial Systems
College Hive Podcast (Quick Learning)
Investment Funds: A Comprehensive Guide Your browser does not support the aud...
Unit - 1
Environment of Global Financial System
Global financial system vs Domestic financial system
Domestic Financial System Definition: The network of institutions, markets, and regulations withi...
Rise of Multinational corporation(MNCS)
This section focuses specifically on the rise and development of Multinational Corporations. Defi...
Internationalization of Business and Finance
Internationalization of Business and Finance This section focuses on the broader trends of intern...
Participants in the Financial System These are key participants in the broader financial system, ...
Technological Advances and Other Developments
Technological Advances Technology and the demand for greener solutions are fundamentally reshapin...
Unit - 2
The Economic Environment
Factors Determining Economic Activity
Factors Determining Economic Activity & Economic Systems Factors Influencing Economic Growth Ke...
The Economic Cycle and Economic Policy
The Economic Cycle and Economic Policy The Economic Cycle (or Business Cycle) The economic cycle ...
Balance of Payments (BoP) and Exchange Rates
Balance of Payments (BoP) and Exchange Rates Balance of Payments (BoP) What is the BoP? Definit...
Country Risk Analysis
Country Risk Analysis What is Country Risk? Definition: The risk associated with investing or d...
Key Indicators of Country Risk
Key Indicators of Country Risk The following points outlines key indicators used to assess the ov...
Risk Analysis in International Trade
Risk Analysis in International Trade I. Economic Risk Definition: The risk that economic factor...
Unit- 3
Global Financial Securities- I
Company Formation and Features
Company Formation and Features I. Capital Structure of a Company General: A company's capital i...
Benefits of Owning Shares, Risks of Owning Shares, and Corporate Actions
Benefits of Owning Shares, Risks of Owning Shares, and Corporate Actions I. Benefits of Owning Sh...
Bonds – Introduction- Characteristics of Bonds
Definition of a Bond and Associated Risks I. Definition of a Bond Basic Definition: A bond is e...
Types of Bonds
Types of Bonds This document outlines various types of bonds, categorized by issuer, interest pay...
Other Financial Assets: Cash Deposits and Property
Other Financial Assets: Cash Deposits and Property I. Cash Deposits Definition Accounts held wit...
Unit - 4
Global Financial Securities -II
Investment Funds
Overview of Investment Funds I. Direct vs. Indirect Investment Direct Investment: Individual i...
Open-Ended Funds, Closed-Ended Investment Companies
Open-Ended Funds, Closed-Ended Funds, and REITs I. Open-Ended Funds Definition: Investment fund...
Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs)
Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) I. What are Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs)? Definition: An investmen...
Alternative Investment Funds (AIFs)- Derivatives
Alternative Investment Funds (AIFs): Hedge Funds and Private Equity I. Hedge Funds Overview Rep...