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Banking Regulation in India

This document outlines a structured approach to understanding banking regulation in India, incorporating key topics, a timeline for learning, and suggested resources.

Key Topics

  1. Licensing and Supervision:
    • The process for obtaining a banking license from the Reserve Bank of India (RBI).
    • Ongoing supervision by the RBI, including on-site inspections and off-site monitoring.
    • Enforcement actions taken by the RBI in case of non-compliance.
  2. Capital Adequacy and Reserve Requirements:
    • Capital adequacy norms (Basel III framework) and their importance for bank solvency.
    • Reserve requirements, including the Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) and Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR).
    • How these requirements influence a bank's lending capacity and liquidity.
  3. Corporate Governance:
    • Board structure and responsibilities in banks.
    • Risk management framework and internal controls.
    • Importance of ethical conduct and transparency in banking operations.
  4. Financial Reporting and Disclosures:
    • Accounting standards and reporting requirements for banks.
    • Disclosure of key financial information to stakeholders.
    • Ensuring transparency and accountability in financial reporting.
  5. Monetary Policy:
    • The role of the RBI in formulating and implementing monetary policy.
    • Monetary policy tools (repo rate, reverse repo rate, OMO, etc.) and their impact on the banking system.
    • How monetary policy influences interest rates, credit availability, and inflation.

Learning Timeline

  • Week 1: Licensing and Supervision, Capital Adequacy and Reserve Requirements.
  • Week 2: Corporate Governance, Financial Reporting and Disclosures.
  • Week 3: Monetary Policy, Review and Consolidation.

Case Study Examples

  1. The Global Financial Crisis of 2008: Examine the regulatory failures that contributed to the crisis and the subsequent reforms.
  2. The Collapse of Lehman Brothers: Analyze the impact of inadequate risk management and capital adequacy on a major financial institution.
  3. The Satyam Scam: Study the corporate governance failures that led to the accounting scandal.
  4. The PMC Bank Crisis: Investigate the regulatory lapses and governance issues that resulted in the bank's collapse.

By following this structured approach and utilizing the suggested resources, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of banking regulation in India.