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Organized Market

Capital Market`

  • Definition: Refers to the segment of the financial market where long-term financial instruments are traded.
  • Maturity: Typically refers to financial assets with a maturity period of more than one year.
  • Key Characteristics:
    • Long-term securities: Deals with long-term securities such as:
      • Stocks: Represent ownership in a company.
      • Bonds: Debt instruments issued by governments and corporations.
      • Long-term loans: Mortgages, long-term corporate loans.
    • Focus on long-term investments: Facilitates long-term investments for businesses, governments, and individuals.
    • Higher risk: Generally associated with higher risk compared to money market instruments.


  • While "long-term" generally refers to maturities exceeding one year, the specific definition can vary depending on the context.

This definition clarifies that the capital market deals with long-term financial assets with a maturity period typically exceeding one year.