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Ideology of Dvaita Vedanta philosophy
Dvaita Vedanta Philosophy
1. Introduction
- Dvaita Vedanta is another sub-school of Vedanta.
- Key question: What is the relationship between Jiva and Brahman?
2. Core Tenet: Absolute Difference
- Relationship between Jiva and Brahman is like A : B - completely different.
- Madhvacharya clearly establishes that the Jiva and the Brahman are entirely separate entities.
Jiva is completely dependent upon Brahman.
3. Key Tenets of Dvaita Vedanta (Summarized in Seven Points)
Vishnu is Supreme: Vishnu/Hari is the supreme reality and equal to Brahman.
- Theistic form of Vedanta, similar to Ramanujacharya's.
World is Real: The world is real (not Maya) unlike Shankaracharya's claims; the differences in the world are real.
Five Types of Differences: Madhvacharya highlights the importance of difference by distinguishing five types:
- Difference between Jiva and Ishwara.
- Difference between Jiva and Jagat (everything in the world).
- Difference between Jagat and Ishwara.
- Difference between Jivas.
- Difference between different Jagat entities.
Servants of Hari: All Jivas are servants of Hari/Vishnu.
Gradation of Beings: There is a hierarchy among Jivas.
- Some are eternally bound to samsara (cycle of birth and death).
- Some are eternally free from samsara.
- Some can enter and leave the samsara cycle.
Moksha is Realization of Bliss: Moksha is realizing the natural bliss (ananda) of the self and its true nature.
- Every self has innate properties and ananda.
Bhakti is the Path to Moksha: Bhakti (devotion) towards Lord Vishnu/Hari is the path to liberation.
4. The Samsara Chakra (Cycle of Birth and Death)
- How is the Jiva locked in the samsara chakra?
Ishwara causes the Jivas to be born in this cycle of samsara to become unaware of the relation between Jiva and Ishwara.
Ishwara is the source of being in and out of this cycle.
- Prayer to Ishwara is very important for moksha.
5. Uniqueness of the Jiva
- Every Jiva is unique.
- The purpose of creation is to help Jiva realize its true nature (Swarupa).
- Each Jiva has a unique karma.
- After which the Jiva can realize its true nature.
6. Attributes of Ishwara
Ishwara is Saguna - with attributes.
- Pictorial depictions of Vishnu embody this.
7. Realization of Ishwara through Bhakti
- Oneness is not in the Advaitic sense but realizing relation to Ishwara.
Bhakti must be aided by karma and jnana.
- Engaging in Vedic rituals and studying Prasthanatraya (Brahma Sutra, Bhagavad Gita and Upanishads).
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