Issues of interest in the Puranas
- There are certain interesting aspects within Puranas that are relevant to various disciplines.
- Therefore, barring the stories, these topics need to studied properly.
Fetal Development (as per Bhagavata Purana)
Stages of fetal development described in Bhagavata Purana, demonstrating a scientific approach.
Initial Stages:
- First night: Mixing of sperm and ovum.
- Fifth night: Mixture ferments into a bubble.
- Tenth night: Takes the shape of a plum.
- Subsequent days: Forms a lump of flesh.
Monthly Development:
- First month: Head formation begins.
- Second month: Limbs (hands and legs) are formed.
Later Stages:
- Third and fourth months: Sensory and other organs develop, bones form, skin develops.
- Seven dhatus (tissues) like plasma, blood, and bone are formed.
- Fifth and sixth months: Feeling of hunger and thirst develops. The child asks for food (manifested in the mother's cravings).
- Movement begins in the sixth month. Right side of the abdomen.
Fetal Composition (as per Padma Purana)
Explanation of fetal composition at birth in Padma Purana.
Conversation between Yayati and Matali. Matali is the charioteer of Indra. A question that Yayati asked about the birth and the death of the human beings.
Composition Details:
- Number of bones: 400 (300 + 100).
- Number of muscles: 500.
- Hair: Covered with 3 crores and a half.
- Number of teeth: 32
- Number of Nails: 20
- Bile (Pitta): One kudava (approx. 160 grams).
- Phlegm (Kapha): Half an adhaka (adhaka = 1.28 kg).
- Marrow: Five palas (200 grams).
- Buttocks: Half of the marrow.
- Flesh: Five palas
- Fat: Ten palas
- Thick Blood: Three palas
- Semen: Half of kudava (80 grams)
Importance of Semen
- Semen creates a human.
- Preservation of semen leads to longevity (through the concept of unchas).
Discussions on Food
Importance of food in human life (both for survival and brain function).
Brahmavaivarta Purana:
- Mentions a balanced diet of staple foods, vegetables, and fruits.
- Rice, wheat, barley, pulses, and sesame are common edible plants.
Agni Purana:
- Paddy cultivation was large scale.
- Religious functions are conducted to enhance rice production (connection between social and religious aspects).
Matsya Purana:
- Mentions 18 varieties of rice.
Agni Purana:
- Details taxation on profits from pulse production.
- One-eighth of produced pulses are paid as tax to the King.
Agni Purana:
- 36 plants used in combination to treat diseases (Haritaki, Nimba, Aksha, Balda, etc.).
Matsya Purana:
- Identifies 75 plants with medicinal value (mahaushadha).
- These 75 plants are also explained in Charaka Samhita.
- Laboratory System: Ancient Indians may have possessed a laboratory system to determine medicinal values of herbs.
- Treatment of mental patients with herbs like Hingu, Sauvarcala, Vyosa.
Veterinary Science
Agni Purana:
- Food and medicine for elephants.
- Plants recommended for elephant diets: Yava, Vrihi, Sastika, Sali, Godhuma, Iksu.
Astronomy (from Brahmanda Purana)
Basic astronomical details specified in Brahmanda Purana (Chapter 21).
Concepts Covered:
- Solar month and solar year.
- Rutus (seasons).
- Dakshinayana and Uttarayana (solstices).
- Names of 12 solar months and their mapping to seasons.
- Equinoxes and need for intercalary months in a lunisolar calendar.
- Sunrise and sunset (how they are remembered).
- Longer days and shorter nights during uttarayana, and rivers during dakshinayana.
- Rapidness of the sun during Dakshinayana.
Constellations and Time
- During dakshinayana the sun covers 13 and a half constellations in a day (shorter day of 12 Muhurtas).
- 27 Constellations: Divided into two 13 1/2.
- After advent of Northern transit the day consists of eighteen Muhurtas, Sun of slow speed transverse thirteen and a half constellations during the day.
- Brahmanda Purana chapters from number 22 (verse 23-26)
- Description of other thoughts too like: Seasons, cloud formation and rain is phenomena mainly orchestrated by Sun.
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