Verbs and Prefixes in Sanskrit
- This section emphasizes the importance of verbs.
- Everything revolves around the verb because action is the basis for language.
Role of Verbs
- If there is no action, there is no need for language.
- The previous discussion established the verb's importance in karakas.
- Language is only required because we engage in action.
- Several aspects of linguistics revolve around action.
Derived Noun Roots
- Several noun roots are derived from verb roots in Sanskrit.
- This makes verbs even more important.
- Many nouns originate from verbs.
- Sanskrit has several synonyms for a word.
- Synonyms are derived from a dhatu (verbal root).
- Knowing the dhatus enables us to understand synonyms and their unique meanings.
Increase in power of language
- Understanding this concept and the signifcance of action significantly increases the power of the language.
- We can choose the most appropriate synonym for the context.
Knowing Verbs
- We need to know the verbs and their origins.
Example: Fire
Derive fire from the verb to show several possibillities.
Several synonyms for fire possible from "kr"" root.
Several verbs can be derived.
- Derived from the dhatu vah (to carry).
- Use when fire is a carrier (e.g., ahuti being offered).
- Derived from the dhatu pun (to purify).
- Remove “pu", meaning to purify
- Use when discussing fire as a purifying agent.
- Dhatu is sush (to dry or shrink).
- Use when talking about heat evaporating water or shrinking organic objects.
- Dhatu is dah (to convert or burn to ashes).
- Use when communicating fire's power to burn objects.
Appropriateness of Verbs
- Knowing these verbs is very important.
- Using the right verb conveys the meaning precisely.
- Using the correct and the appropriate Verb helps the other understand what the message should be!
Verbs and Prefixes
- Diagram shows "kr" dhatu and its forms.
- apa-karoti, upa-karoti, ut-karoti, pra-karoti, prati-karoti, pratyupa-karoti, anu-karoti, sams-karoti, vyakaroti, nira-karoti, adhi-karoti.
- "kr" means "to do".
Effect of Prefixes
Attaching a prefix changes the meaning.
Prefix and Suffix
- We have already been talking about suffix and the operation. *We are gonna talk about Prefix now"" *Prefix and Meanings
- apa means away.
- apa-karoti means take it away.
- upa means closer.
- upa-karoti means bring it near (help).
- nira means opposite.
- nira-karoti means disagree.
Power of Prefixes
- Attaching prefixes increases the power and scope of verbs.
- There are 22 prefixes in Sanskrit.
- These can make the verb even more expressive and powerful.
Effects on Meaning
Strengthening or Emphasizing:
- "smarati" (remembers).
- "sam-smarati" (remembers very well).
Expanding or Improvising:
- "karoti" (does) with different prefixes (upa, apa, etc.).
Bringing Opposite Meaning:
- "karoti" (does).
- "prati-karoti" (nullifying it).
- Gacchati (going), Aagacchati: comes (opposite direction) know that kind of things
Prefix Usage
- It gives opposite meaning.
- You can attach more than one prefix to get the Power to be stronger.
Verbs and Language Power
- Verbs can be converted into nouns.
- Create synonyms to give expressive power.
- Attaching prefixes enhances the scope of verbs.
- Meaning, improvise, strengthen, emphasize and makes Language to be very powerful
- These features are unique to Sanskrit.
- The way we use verbs are very powerful in the Sanskrit Language.
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